Cross-stitch. Materials

Cross stitch for beginning needlewomen may seem complicated, but you just have to figure it out a little and you already want to make the treasured crosses as quickly as possible! Cross stitch is good because it does not require the purchase of a large number of complex tools or hard-to-find materials.

The arsenal of a beginning embroiderer consists of canvas, threads, needles, scissors, hoops, markers for markings and, of course, an embroidery pattern. We will be happy to tell you more about everything!

Canvas for cross stitch

The most popular embroidery canvas is Aida canvas, it is suitable for many types of embroidery. Aida canvas is a fabric with running blocks of “holes”. Blocks are formed by weaving several threads. This fabric is specially created for easy counting of crosses and to simplify the embroidery process.

The canvas is assigned a number depending on how many cross stitches there are per inch of embroidery. The most popular canvas is number 14, it is called Aida 14. Remember this name so that you can easily explain to the store clerk which canvas you want to purchase.

In addition to the Hades canvas, there is also a canvas with a uniform weave. It is suitable for counted embroidery, which also includes cross stitch. By the way, experienced embroiderers prefer to embroider on a uniform weave (this is what embroiderers call a uniform weave canvas in the dictionary). The canvas, which is essentially such a canvas, can serve as a background for an embroidered pattern. When working with such a canvas, it is important to take into account the density of the fabric, that is, how many threads or cells there are per 2.5 centimeters. The more threads, the smaller the cross will be.

Fabric for embroidery with a pattern already applied to it is also popular among craftswomen. The process of embroidering a pattern printed on fabric becomes easier and faster. Anyone can embroider on patterned fabric, even those who have never picked up a needle. A wide selection of fabrics with printed patterns allows you to choose a suitable plot and embroider it with a cross or beads.

Floss threads

Traditionally, floss threads are used for cross stitch. Stores offer a wide selection of floss threads from such well-known manufacturers as Gamma, DMC, Anchor, Madeira, PNK Kirov and others.

Cotton thread floss DMC

Most often, thin cotton threads are used for cross stitch, collected in six pieces in a skein. These threads are very easy to separate. In order for the embroidery to become festive, you can dilute ordinary threads with silk or metallized ones.

Metallized DMC floss threads

Thin woolen threads in two folds are also used for embroidery. They can be used to embroider both uniformly and Aida.

Sometimes twisted threads are used - pearl cotton, iris.

Embroidery needles

Embroidery needles are different, and the craftswoman chooses needles that are suitable specifically for her type of embroidery, or rather canvas. In any case, the eye of the needle should be of such a size that the thread passes through it easily, without fraying or tearing.

A needle size from 1 to 10 indicates that such a needle is suitable for embroidering with wool threads. These are pointed needles of medium length with large ears.

For thicker threads, it is better to use needles in sizes 13 to 26. These pointed needles are longer and thicker.

So-called carpet needles have blunt tips and are suitable for embroidering on canvas or fabric with a uniform weave. Thanks to their rounded tip, they cannot split the thread of canvas or embroidery fabric.

Cross stitch needles from different manufacturers

It would be a good idea for any needlewoman to purchase small round magnets (you can leave needles on them and not be afraid that they will get lost) or sew them.


heron scissors

An embroiderer definitely needs scissors, and more than one. The scissors should be small and with sharp tips - they are used to cut off the floss. The most convenient scissors for these purposes are produced under the name storkscissors (the word stork is translated as “stork”, and scissors are scissors), but in Russia they are called “herons”. Heron scissors are ideal for cutting threads. In addition to their main function, they are an elegant accessory. Their handles are usually decorated with ornaments in the form of plants, birds or flowers. There are herons specifically for left-handers.

It would seem that ordinary nail scissors could be used for such work, because they are similar to herons, but, firstly, herons are still more convenient, and secondly, for fine work with threads and fabric it is better to use scissors, which no one cuts other surfaces.

The second scissors - tailor's - are used for cutting canvas or fabric.

You can get another scissors - for cutting metallized threads. Such threads are more rigid, they will quickly damage thin heron scissors, so it is better for this purpose to have scissors that can be replaced without regret.

Under no circumstances should you cut paper with scissors designed for working with fabric or thread. Even the best quality and sharpest scissors will become dull from this.

Accessories for scissors

Scissors are a rather dangerous tool, so it would be a good idea to purchase protective caps designed for sharp tips. Such protection is needed not only for the hands of the craftswoman, but also for the workplace and the embroidery itself.

Cases and beacons for scissors, decorated with cross stitch

Scissors tend to get lost in a pile of threads. To quickly detect them, a beacon is attached to the scissors. This is a small pillow, usually decorated with embroidery. In the handicraft environment, such beacons are usually given as souvenirs.

Embroidery hoop

A hoop is not a necessary tool for embroidery. Some people cannot do work on a hoop, while others, on the contrary, cannot imagine how they can embroider without a hoop.

The hoop allows you to stretch the fabric and thereby perform the work more accurately, but when tensioning it is important not to allow the fabric or canvas to deform.

Embroidery hoops are two hoops of different sizes. The inner hoop is solid, and the outer hoop is split, equipped with a screw or other device for adjusting the size of the hoop. The size of the outer hoop depends on the thickness of the canvas or fabric on which the embroidery is done. The hoop can be metal, wood or plastic; the choice of material depends solely on the preferences of the craftswoman.

The hoop can be rectangular and consist of a frame consisting of rollers and side bars. The fabric is secured and stretched between the rollers. Frame-shaped hoops are used for large-scale work; they are especially convenient for embroidery with a long length of fabric.

Markers for marking

Mastering the art of cross stitch for beginners is not the easiest thing. Counting the crosses and transferring the pattern onto the canvas can be a tedious task. Markers will come to the rescue with which you can mark the fabric during preparation and during embroidery.

Marking a uniform weave canvas with a marker

Marking the Aida outline with a marker

Vanishing Marker

The good thing about this marker is that its mark disappears on its own a few days after application. It is convenient to use such a marker for marking a small area of ​​embroidery and comparing it with the diagram.

Washable marker

This marker is usually used when marking out canvas for embroidery into squares. The marker mark will not disappear on its own; such a marker is washed off with cold water.

Washable markers are available for light and dark canvas. They differ in the method of application. Fabric marked with a marker for light canvas should not be heated, otherwise the mark will be impossible to remove. For such markers, special erasers are produced that remove marker marks with plain water. But the white mark left by a marker for a dark outline can not only be washed off with water, but also smoothed out with a heated iron.

Permanent marker

This marker is used not to mark the base, but to paint over the outline that shows through the embroidery. Needlewomen apply the finishing touches to the finished embroidery with them. You can buy similar markers in toy stores. As a rule, they are presented in a wide range, and you can always choose the right shade. Such markers can withstand washing, boiling, the use of chlorine-containing bleach, and exposure to a hot iron.

Most often, ready-made patterns are used for cross stitch. They can be purchased along with the threads necessary for embroidery at a needlework store. Small free cross stitch patterns can even be found on the manufacturers’ websites. They are intended to introduce you to a company that produces embroidery threads or embroidery kits. Such small patterns are very convenient for beginner embroiderers.

Colored symbolic cross stitch pattern

The diagram is a sheet of paper divided into small cells. Each cell has an icon indicating the color of the thread. The cell corresponds to a cross. Schemes can be black and white or color.

The diagram must be accompanied by a key, which shows the correspondence of the diagram icons to the colors of the threads. In addition to color, the key can indicate the number of folds of the thread. A diagram with a key may contain instructions for performing individual crosses and the entire work.


Proper lighting is very important for a needlewoman, because it is the key to the accuracy of the work, as well as the good health and mood of the craftswoman. The lamp can be a special one purchased at a craft store. Usually such lamps are sold together with a magnifying glass. However, the lamp can be the most ordinary one. The main thing is that it sufficiently illuminates the workplace.

Nowadays, few people use thimbles, but some needlewomen use them to protect their fingers or push a needle. The thimble can be made of metal or plastic. The main thing is that it fits well on the middle finger.

Organizer for embroidery

An organizer bag is perfect for storing all materials and tools, which will not only allow you to keep everything for embroidery in one place, but can also protect your embroidery from negative factors (for example, water, various stains or pets).

The organizer has pockets for embroidery accessories - embroidery needles, scissors, fabric markers. There are even special files for storing floss wound on bones.

Organizers are usually made with a rigid frame so that the embroidery and patterns stored in such a bag do not get wrinkled.

A wide range of organizers are presented in handicraft stores, but many craftswomen make them with their own hands in accordance with their desires and ideas about the ideal organizer bag.

We hope that by talking about the basic materials and tools, we were able to open the door to the world of cross stitch for beginners!

If you have recently taken up cross stitch, then you probably don’t have many different tools and devices for this hobby. Over time, you will gradually acquire some of them. And perhaps many.

When embroidering using a ready-made embroidery kit, you will probably only need small, sharp scissors. The rest is already in the kit - needle, thread, canvas, even a simple cardboard organizer.

In my opinion, the next very useful and important acquisition after scissors should be a hoop. Of course, very small projects can be embroidered without a hoop. But in the future, most likely, you will need them. In addition to the hoop, there are other devices.

Canvas fastenings
Plastic hoop

The simplest and cheapest option is a plastic round hoop. The hoop consists of two hoops, one of which is slightly smaller than the other; with plastic or metal screw. Using the hoop is very simple: place the canvas on top of the smaller hoop, place the larger hoop on top, stretch the fabric, tighten the screw halfway, then stretch the fabric again and tighten the screw until it stops. During embroidering, the tension of the fabric may weaken, so it needs to be tightened. The hoops can be of different colors and sizes - the diameter range is from 10 to 27 cm.

Wooden hoop

Over time, thread remnants will accumulate, and during the work process, the threads must be somehow organized. Therefore, the organizer is very convenient. Manufacturers have a very wide selection of organizers.

Tools for marking canvas

During the embroidery process (especially for large works), many embroiderers mark the outline. There are special markers and threads for this. You can read more about canvas marking in

Easy crosses for you!

You can cross stitch on almost any fabric. The only condition is the same number of transverse and longitudinal fibers per unit of length. Traditionally, the unit of length is taken to be an inch, which in terms of conversion is about 2.5 cm. When choosing fabric, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the base will be visible through the stitches, regardless of their density. Therefore, you should not save on fabric, because poor quality of the base can ruin the impression of the work as a whole.

In the old days, embroidery was usually done on elegant, thin fabrics. This was especially true for the works of Italian craftswomen. However, such creativity requires great skill and painstakingness. The modern textile industry produces a whole range of fabrics, which, due to their structural features, significantly facilitate the application of counted patterns. Of course, even today many adherents of this type of needlework preserve the traditions of the past. But perfection must be achieved gradually. It is best for beginning needlewomen to use fabrics specifically designed for cross stitch. Now manufacturers offer a huge selection of fabrics.

Embroidery fabric is divided into several groups. Main groups of fabrics:

Aida and Hardanger - this group consists of fabrics that are woven in so-called blocks (blockweave), which makes them very convenient for counted embroidery. With some exceptions, they are made of 100% cotton. As a rule, this is a fairly stiff fabric, which is also a big plus - even without using a hoop, crosses on thick fabric turn out smooth and beautiful. Very wide range of colors and different sizes ((6", 8", 11", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22").

Pure linen and mixed linen fabrics (Linen/Linen Blend Evenweaves) - as the name suggests, consist of linen or a mixture of linen with other materials. The threads from which the fabric is woven are of uneven thickness - this is what distinguishes linen from the fabrics of the next group, but this does not negatively affect the appearance of the finished work. Embroider on these fabrics using at least two threads. Fabrics from this and the next group are much softer than Aida. A large selection of fabric sizes is offered (14", 18", 20", 25", 28", 32", 36", 40" and even 45") and a wide range of colors. Mixed fabrics of this group have an appearance no worse than pure flax, but more affordable.
Representatives: Dublin, Cashel Linen, Belfast, Edinburgh, Permin linen canvas and different sizes ((6", 8", 11", 14", 16", 18", 20", 22").

Cotton and Cotton Blend Evenweaves - Fabrics in this group are woven in the same way as linen, but the composition (cotton or cotton blend) makes them completely different from the fabrics of the second group. The threads of these fabrics, unlike linen, are even. Among this variety of colors and sizes, one can single out a clear favorite - this is Lugana, beloved by many. 4 different accounts (20", 25", 28", 32"), wonderful colors and excellent quality.
Representatives: Linda, Lugana, Murano, Belfast, Edinburgh, Permin linen canvas.

Aida is a fabric consisting of pure cotton with a special weave, when intersecting threads are tightly woven into one another. Each thread of fabric is made up of several smaller threads woven together. This weave creates well-defined squares that are easy to count. Aida is a fairly stiff fabric, which creates a convenient basis for uniform thread tension during embroidery and, as a result, beautiful, even crosses. They embroider on Aida in squares. Aida is also suitable for other counted types of embroidery .

Aida comes with a different number of thread weaves. Aida with 8 and 11 threads per inch are convenient for beginners and children, as the squares are very large and easy to count. Typically, crosses on a large Aida are embroidered using 3-4 threads of floss, and the contour seam is made using 1-2 threads.

Aida, with 14 threads per inch, is one of the most popular fabrics for cross stitch. For crosses, usually 2, less often 3 threads of floss are used, for an outline - 1, less often 2 threads. Aida with 16 and 18 threads per inch allows for clearer detail. Embroidery on this fabric requires more care in counting and ensuring smoothness. Embroider crosses in 1-2 threads, outline - in 1 thread.

To do outline calculation, in other words, to determine how much fabric is needed to embroider a specific picture, you need to:
- know the dimensions of embroidery in cross stitches - the number of crosses along the width and height of the picture
- calculate the amount of fabric according to the following proportion:
55 crosses - 10 cm
100 crosses - X cm
X = 100 x 10/55 = 18.2 cm (using Aida 14 canvas as an example)
- provide margins along the entire perimeter of the canvas
The width of the margin should be at least 5 cm on all sides in order to conveniently insert the canvas into the hoop and subsequently place the embroidery in a frame.

After calculating the canvas, you need to cut it along the squares, and then overcast the prepared flap with an oblique overcast stitch with light threads, or you can glue the edges with glue - it’s convenient to use a glue stick (the glue disappears after washing) so that the fabric does not unravel.

Hardanger (fabric for counted satin stitch)
The fabric for counted satin stitch (Hardanger) consists of pure cotton. Weave - 22 threads per inch, threads woven in pairs. This fabric is typically used for counted satin stitch, but can also be used for cross stitch, especially for small, detailed designs. Embroider through one thread of fabric into one thread of floss.

Oslo differs from regular fabric in that it is made from mercerized cotton. This method of chemical treatment of fabric gives it special strength and shine. Oslo is often used for tablecloths due to its width (1.70 m) and texture.

There is a fabric for counted satin stitch consisting of pure wool (Wool Hardanger).

Pure linen and mixed linen fabrics
Linen fabrics are made of single threads with an alternating weave, where the thread goes from above and then from below the thread perpendicular to it, which is similar to basket weaving. The longitudinal and transverse threads are different from each other and are called warp thread and weft thread, respectively.
For embroidery, it is better to position the fabric so that the factory edge of the fabric is located on one side, and not on top or bottom. That is, the top-bottom axis of the embroidery should be located along the warp thread.
If the fabric has already been cut and there is no factory edge on it, then the threads can be distinguished as follows: you need to pull out one horizontal and vertical outer thread and the one that is more curved will be the warp thread (that is, parallel to the factory edge).

Pure flax
100% linen fabrics are produced in weaves of 18, 25, 28, 32, 36 and 40 threads per inch (2.5 cm). Each of these fabrics, with a specific weave, has its own name.

Cork 20 / 80 / 100% linen
Dublin / 25 / 100 / 100% linen
Cashel / 28 / 112 / 100% linen
Belfast 32 / 126 / 100% linen
Edinburgh 36 / 140 / 100% linen
Newcastle 40 / 160 / 100% linen

Cork Linen is a fabric with an 18 threads per inch weave. It is often embroidered with a single thread and comes in white and a limited number of colors. Previously, Cork was produced with a weave of 19 threads per inch, but in recent years the company has changed the standard to 18.

Dublin has 25 threads per inch. This is a good quality fabric and is convenient especially for beginners to embroider on linen. Usually embroidered through 2 threads of fabric using 2-3 threads of floss.

Cashel has 28 threads per inch and is considered the most popular type of linen fabric for embroidery. By embroidering through two threads of fabric, you get a picture comparable to embroidery on Aida14. Cashel is produced in a wide range of colors.

Belfast is a 32 threads per inch weave fabric. This is a fairly popular fabric. A tighter weave allows for more detail to be conveyed. It is usually embroidered through 2 threads of fabric, which is comparable to embroidery on Aida16. For a cross stitch, 2 strands of floss are most often used, although embroidery in one thread is also possible. Available in a wide range of colors, similar to Cashel.

Edinburgh (Edinburgh) has 36 threads per inch, which when embroidered through 2 threads of fabric is comparable to Aida18. This fabric is great for collars, cuffs, and blouses. Any embroidery on Edinburgh linen looks very elegant due to the fineness of the work.

Newcastle is the newest linen fabric available and has 40 threads per inch. This fabric is of excellent quality and is used for very fine embroidery work.

Mixed linen fabrics
Linen blends look like linen, but the quality of the threads is different. Typically, blended fabrics are cheaper than pure linen.

Name of fabric / Number of threads in 10 cm / Composition
Floba 14 / 55 / 70% viscose 30% linen
Floba 18 / 68.5 / 70% viscose 30% linen
Floba 25 / 100 / 70% viscose 30% linen
Quaker Cloth 28 / 112 / 55% linen 45% cotton
Brocade - Quaker Cloth 28 / 112 / 52% linen 41% cotton 7% metallic
Carrick Fine Linen 45 / - / 55% linen 45% cotton

Fine Linen has a very tight weave (45 threads per inch). This is a very elegant fabric. Available in white only. Embroidery on such fabric looks like a painting thanks to the smallest stitches. Also used for sewing clothes (blouses with embroidery).

Floba comes in 14, 18 and 25 threads per inch weave and is always the same natural color. It is a mixture of 70% rayon (viscose) and 30% linen and the coloring is slightly uneven, which gives the fabric an "antique" look. Used particularly for tablecloths and napkins. This fabric is durable and is used to make Shoulder Bags, which are convenient for embroidering.

Pastel Linen is made of 52% cotton and 48% linen and has 28 threads per inch. This type of fabric is available in five colors. The softness of the color is achieved by a special interweaving of threads, when a dyed thread is used in one direction, and undyed (white) in the perpendicular direction.

Quaker Cloth is also a cotton/linen blend, with a linen content of 55%. Weave threads - 28 per inch. The range of colors is wide. The method of weaving the threads is the same as for pastel linen (dyed and undyed threads are used together).

Fabrics with uniform weave threads
Evenly woven fabrics are usually cotton or cotton blends. All of them are offered in a wide range of colors.
Pure cotton

Name of fabric / Number of threads in 10 cm / Composition
Jubilee 28 / 112 / 100% cotton
Linda 27 / 107 / 100% cotton
Janina 22 / 90 / 100% cotton
Davosa 18 / 71 / 100% cotton
Annabelle 28 / 112 / 100% cotton

Davosa has 18 threads per inch. This is a soft-to-touch fabric with fairly dense threads. Used for various types of embroidery, convenient for subsequent decoration into pillows.

Janina is one of the new items and has been added to the range for fans of counted satin stitch - it has 22 threads per inch, which is the standard in this embroidery technique, but it looks like regular fabric, not aida.

Linda - light fabric. Can be used for sewing clothes, tablecloths, napkins. Weave - 27 threads per inch.

Annabelle is a fabric with a 28 threads per inch weave. The canvas looks unusual, slightly shiny, the threads have an uneven thickness. Can be used for sewing clothes.

Jubilee is a very pleasant fabric, soft to the touch. Weave - 28 threads per inch. One of my personal favorites. The company Charles Crafts produces a cheaper analogue called Monaco, but the choice of colors is much smaller.

Cotton blend fabrics
Name of fabric / Number of threads in 10 cm / Composition
Bellana 20 / 80 / 52% cotton 48% rayon
Lugana 25 / 100 / 52% cotton 48% rayon
Murano 32 / 126 / 52% cotton 48% rayon
Vienna 21 / 85 / 60% rayon 40% cotton

Lugana is one of Zweigart's most popular fabrics, and is available in 20 (formerly Valerie), 25 (always called Lugana), 28 (formerly Britney), Murano and 32 threads per inch weaves. , but it is now no longer available. Composition: 52% cotton and 48% rayon (viscose). Wide variety of colors.

Bellana - It is a dense fabric of uniform weave with a density of 79 threads (39.5 crosses when embroidering through two threads) per 10 cm. The composition is completely identical to Lugano and Murano canvas.

Vienna is suitable for both cross stitch and counted satin stitch (weave 22 threads per inch). Available in an assortment of quite bright colors. Composition: 62% cotton and 38% rayon (viscose).

Waste canvas

This canvas is used for embroidery on fabrics that do not have a uniform structure. Usually these are garments made of knitted fabric. This canvas is rougher than the usual one, and has markings of 10 cells with blue thread, but it may not exist. The canvas is basted on top, embroidery is done, the canvas is removed - carefully pulled out along the thread from under the embroidered crosses.

Plastic canvas

This canvas is used to create three-dimensional embroidery. It is divided into plastic canvas-classic plastic canvas - and vinyl weave- vinyl canvas, more flexible than classic plastic canvas. Both vinyl and regular plastic canvas are available in different colors and with different numbers of crosses per inch. Pre-designed forms are also now being issued. The following blanks are good for embroidering Christmas tree decorations, pendants, and refrigerator magnets:

And vinyl canvas is most often used to create three-dimensional embroidery: pencil holders, wallets, cases, etc.


This is a large, hard canvas used for embroidering rugs, pillows, and bags. Tapestries are embroidered on a stramine; special woolen floss is used for embroidery

Perforated paper

Not the most common base for embroidery in Ukraine, but in the West, perforated paper is more popular. Currently, perforated paper is produced mainly in 14 squares per inch; embroidery on it should be done in 1-2 threads, because... If you use more threads, the paper may tear. For embroidery on such paper, you should not use patterns with too many colors. It is better to take softer threads, for example, with the addition of silk.

Silk fabrics

You can also cross stitch on silk fabrics. Although this material for embroidery is very specific. It is usually used to create inserts in brooches, pendants and other miniature items. The number of silk threads varies from 24 to 112 per inch, making the embroidery very fine. Just as when working with perforated paper, for embroidery on silk it is better to take patterns with a small number of colors; you must avoid broaches and 1/4, 3/4 crosses.

Cross stitch is back in fashion. This is confirmed by the huge number of online stores and forums promoting the idea of ​​home creativity. The popularity of embroidery is well deserved, and here's why:

  • This is an exciting process that allows you to spend your free time with pleasure
  • Embroidery calms and distracts from pressing problems
  • Affordable prices for materials make this hobby suitable for anyone
  • Embroidered paintings will decorate the interior of any room, create a bright accent or complement the thoughtful design of the room.

Inspired by the works of other craftswomen, having decided to do it themselves, the girls are faced with the question: “Where to start?” Indeed, the variety of materials can be confusing and confusing. Let's figure it out.

Kits made just for you

Many companies produce special kits that include everything you need to start embroidering. The advantages of such an acquisition for beginners are obvious - you don’t have to rack your brains choosing the necessary colors yourself, you don’t have to be afraid of mistakes and waste extra time. By purchasing a set, you can immediately go home and start creating. And the price for such a kit is not much different from purchasing all the materials separately. But, if you haven’t found a suitable pattern, you can assemble the set yourself.

The choice of materials is a crucial step on which the quality of work depends.

Choosing the right needle

So, for cross stitch you will need:

1. Canva.

This is a special canvas made in such a way that each cell on the canvas is a place for a puncture needle when embroidering. It varies in color and size, there is plastic, uniform, uneven and regular - Aida. The choice of base greatly influences the result obtained.

For beginners, it is better to start with a large-sized Hades canvas. On small fabrics the design looks neater, but it is easier to embroider on large fabrics. Remember that the size of the canvas depends on its number (10, 12, 14, 16, 18), and the higher the number, the finer the base. It is recommended to start with 14-16 counts.

2. Threads.

You will need high-quality floss in sufficient quantities. The most popular and suitable for beginners is cotton floss. It is represented by foreign brands, the most famous of which is DMC floss, and domestic ones, such as Gamma, Panna and others.

In the endless debates between adherents of the first or second options, there will never be a winner. The price of domestic threads is much cheaper, while the American version is considered to work flawlessly. To find what's right for you, you'll have to experiment.

3. Needles.

It is better to stock up on several needles with eyes of different diameters, suitable for different canvas sizes.

Remember that the needle can bend or break from long use, so it is always advisable to have a backup.

4. Hoop or machine.

A hoop is a small frame made of plastic or wood in a round or square shape. They are necessary to secure the fabric in a taut state.

The machine is a much more serious structure, installed on the floor or sofa. For beginners, the simplest medium-sized hoop is suitable.

5. Pattern for embroidery.

You can find a diagram on the Internet for free access on one of the forums, or order an individual drawing from artists.

You can purchase the diagram in the store along with other materials. To begin with, try to take one that does not have a lot of flowers, and there are no knots that are difficult for you - French, petite and others.

So what's the result?

As you can see, select the necessary embroidery materials Having drawn up a clear plan in your head for what you need is not at all difficult. Remember that the appearance of the finished work directly depends on the quality of the components. You should not skimp on your creativity, because it is what makes you happy.
Especially for the site Handicraft Lessons Miniola.


As basics for cross stitch Any fabric with the same number of transverse and longitudinal threads can serve. The most common is canvas Aida, a fixed weave of four or less often three (small sizes) threads form distinct squares (cells), holes in the corners of these squares facilitate the passage of the needle. The structure is clearly visible in the figure.

Canvas can be large or small depending on the number of cells (squares) per inch. For example, Aida-14 = 14 crosses per inch (inch = 2.54 cm), Aida-16 = 16 crosses per inch, Aida-18 = 18 crosses per inch. The smaller the outline, the more elegant the cross.

The table shows the characteristics of Aida canvas:

Name Number of cells in 10 cm Application
Aida-8 (Aida-children's) 32 Used in schools as a teaching aid. It has a wide square weave, especially suitable for cross and half-cross stitches.
Aida-11 (Pearl-Aida) 43 Good for tablecloths, runners, napkins, book covers, etc. The simplest motifs are embroidered on it.
Aida-14 (Stern-Aida) 55 Most popular size. This canvas can be used to create refined, sophisticated and elegant designs. Very suitable for folk themes.
Aida-16 63 Something between Aida-14 and Aida-18. It is used when vision does not allow working with very small crosses.
Aida-18(Fine-Aida) 70 Specially designed for cross stitch, which has a “dot” character. Here the emphasis is on the elegance of the small cross.
Aida-20 79 For small jewelry projects made with tapestry stitch.

Linen (cotton) fabric

Linen (cotton) fabric with uniform weave and loose structure also suitable for cross stitch. Unlike Aida, the uniform weave canvas does not have clearly defined “squares”, which makes it more difficult to embroider on it (you have to count the threads while working), but the result is better, since the “empty” (without embroidery) part of the work represents is a uniform canvas, without visible squares and holes. They embroider on these fabrics, usually using two threads. Linen fabrics are produced with weaves of 18, 25, 28, 32, 36, 40 threads per 1 inch. It is used on tablecloths, napkins, and decorative fabrics.

Used for embroidery on fabric that does not have a constant number of threads per unit length. It is used for embroidery on T-shirts, bags and other items. The threads of this canvas are thicker and the holes are larger. Sometimes the overlay canvas is marked with blue thread every 10 cells, the most common density is 8.5, 10, 14 and 18 cells per inch. After finishing the work, the canvas threads are removed from the finished product.

Embroider using an overlay canvas as follows. After you have cut off a piece of the base to be removed, you need to decide where the embroidery will be located on the product. Then you need to attach the overlay canvas to the product, but before that you need to decide whether a backing is needed on the reverse side of the embroidery. Backing is often used in machine embroidery to prevent the threads of the product from being pulled together and warped. It is worth noting that many embroiderers do without a backing and are satisfied with the final result. Make sure that the canvas is not skewed and that the threads form square cells; if necessary, correct this defect by pulling the ends of the cut.

Now you need to attach the overlay canvas to the product that you are going to decorate. There are several options to do this. The first way is to align the centers and start stitching from there. The second way is to mark the horizontal or vertical axis of the future embroidery on the product, do it on the overlay canvas, and then combine the axes. To secure the overlay canvas to the product, you will have to sweep them away. It is better to do this from the center, because in this case it is easier to avoid slipping and the formation of wrinkles. If you use a backing, it is better to baste it to the product at the same time as removing the canvas.

For embroidery, it is better to take a sharp needle: it will be easier to pierce the fabric of the product, and it is also not very convenient to pierce the holes of the overlay canvas clogged with starch with a blunt point. Next, embroider the entire motif, including the border. The stitches are made over the lattice weave of the canvas. When working, be careful not to pierce the threads of the applied canvas with a sharp needle - it will be almost impossible to remove them. The last step is to remove the overlay canvas. It is very tough and difficult to pull out without pre-treatment. The easiest way to prepare for removal is to moisten it with water from a spray bottle. While the canvas is wet, remove all the basting and use tweezers to pull out the threads of the applied canvas. You can pick up the ends of the threads using a tapestry needle or a small crochet hook. Another option is to wash the entire item in a washing machine, which will remove the starch, then dry the item and only then pull out the threads.


This is a large, rigid canvas used for embroidering rugs, pillows, and bags. Tapestries are embroidered on stramine; special woolen floss is used for embroidery.

Most of the produced perforated paper corresponds to Aida-14 canvas. You should embroider on it using 1-2 threads; if you use more threads, the paper may tear. For embroidery on such paper, you should not use patterns with too many colors. It is better to take softer threads for embroidery; they fit better and do not tear the paper. It is very easy to complete the work on paper, just step back 1 “cell” from the edge of the embroidery and trim the paper. The edges can be decorated with braid or trimmed with lace. Perforated paper is suitable for embroidering projects that are difficult to do on fabric, such as bookmarks or cards.

To keep the fabric taut during embroidery, use hoop. Embroidery done on a hoop has uniform thread tension and crosses of equal size. A round hoop consisting of two hoops, slightly different in diameter, with a plastic or metal screw. The simplest hoop is two rings inserted into each other, between which the fabric is clamped. Since the fabric must be well stretched, the difference in the diameters of the rings is very small. A ring of a smaller diameter is placed on a flat surface, the fabric is placed and leveled on it, and the second ring is put on top. During embroidery, the tension of the fabric may weaken, so it should be tightened. All the embroidery may not fit into the hoop, so you need to move it as needed. Currently, there are wooden, metal and plastic hoops. However, wooden ones are considered the best, because metal hoops are heavy, their smooth surface slips when fastening and dark circles remain on the fabric after hoopping, and plastic hoops are fragile. Hoops come in various shapes and sizes. There are hand and floor fingers with a bracket for changing the angle of embroidery.

The most important embroidery tool. For cross stitch, blunt tapestry needles are used, because... a sharp needle can split the canvas or already embroidered crosses. Also, a distinctive feature of embroidery needles is their wide eye, so that you can easily insert six layers of thread. Needles vary in size; depending on the canvas number, the corresponding needle number is taken. Typically, the following table corresponds to the needle thickness of the canvas:

  • Aida8 = 20 or 22 (needle no.)
  • Aida11 = 22 or 24
  • Aida14 = 22/24/26
  • Aida18 = 24 or 26
  • Aida20 = 24 or 26
  • Hardanger22=28

There are special double-sided needles - two needles seem to be in end-to-end contact and have one common eye in the middle. This needle arrangement allows you to embroider with both hands at once: we hold one hand above the embroidery fixed in the frame, the other under it, thus the hands do not make unnecessary movements.

Threads produced specifically for embroidery or other types of needlework. World brands of floss manufacturers - DMC, Madeira and Anchor. In addition to them, quite high-quality Gamma/Gamma floss threads and threads from the Kirov spinning and thread mill (St. Petersburg), known since Soviet times, are still common in Russia. These cotton threads are specially designed for embroidery. Floss is sold in skeins of 8 (DMC, Gamma, Anchor), 10 (Madeira) and 20 meters (PNK im.Kirov). In some stores you can buy thread by the meter. Each floss manufacturer has its own set of colors; to select a color, you can use a color card (catalog with samples of threads of each color). If the embroidery pattern indicates colors for one brand of floss and you need to use threads from another manufacturer for embroidery, then use tables for converting colors of floss from one brand to another or comparing shades using color cards. Leading manufacturers (DMC, Gamma, Anchor, Madeira) have floss not only in plain colors, but also in melange (with a color transition) and with metallic colors. If you have bought threads whose quality you doubt, it is better to check whether they are fading before you start embroidering with them. To do this, you need to moisten them and forcefully pass them through a white cloth. If there are no traces left, it means the threads are not fading.

Other accessories


Scissors two types are needed: large ones - for cutting fabric, small ones - for trimming the ends of the thread. If you don't have special embroidery scissors, regular nail scissors will do just fine.


During embroidery it will also be useful marker. Markers are washable and disappearing. A disappearing marker is used to mark a place on the embroidery, and after a while the trace of such a marker disappears. Using a washable marker, draw the outline into cells to make it easier to compare the embroidery to the pattern; such markers are divided into markers for dark and light outline. Marker marks for light canvas should be washed off only with cold water, because... If exposed to heat, marks may remain forever. Marker marks for dark canvas can, on the contrary, be washed off with water or treated with a hot iron.

Fabric eraser

Often, to mark on fabric, we use a simple pencil, which will be quite problematic to remove from the fabric. Special ones will help in this trouble fabric erasers. Unfortunately, not every pencil can be erased, so it’s best to try on a separate area first.

Magnetic and magnifying boards

While embroidering, we constantly look from the diagram to the work and back. It’s no wonder that you have to constantly look for the right place on the diagram, and if the diagram is printed with small symbols, then it’s just a disaster. Can help solve such problems magnetic board(magnetic board) and board with magnifying rulers(line magnifier). Magnetic Board is a board of magnetic material on which a circuit is placed and secured with magnetic strips. During the embroidery process, the slats are moved to the current place of embroidery, which allows you to avoid searching for the desired fragment on the pattern for a long time. The Line Magnifier device is almost the same, but it is also equipped with a magnifying rod, and this helps to see the necessary small symbols.